A holistic approach to health which includes the emotional and mental aspects of a person’s well being in addition to the physical symptoms

A natural, safe, effective and scientific system of healing which supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself

A well-established and complete system of medicine, which has been in worldwide use for over 200 years

  • How Does Homeopathy Work?- more >

    Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanism. The remedies are derived from animal, plant and mineral sources. ‘Homo’ means ‘like’ and in homeopathy we select the remedy that best mimics the presenting symptoms, both physical and emotional. These remedies are used in minute doses on the basis of the theory of ‘like cures like’. In this way the remedy ‘reminds’ the body’s healing power to restore health. This means that a substance which causes certain symptoms in a healthy person can heal someone who is ill and showing similar symptoms.

    For example, a case of insomnia would be treated in conventional medicine by the way of opposites – by giving a drug to induce artificial sleep.

    However, homeopathy would use the Law of Similars, using minute doses of a substance that would cause sleeplessness in a well person.

    No remedy has ever been withdrawn from use. Remedies take the form of small sucrose pillules which dissolve in the mouth and are easy to administer. Remedies are not addictive and there are no side effects.

    A well-indicated remedy may help to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathy therefore may be effective in cases of general lack of well being.

  • What Happens during a Consultation?- more >

    Your homeopath will listen to you as you describe your symptoms. She needs to develop a complete understanding of you, so she will need to ask about every aspect of your health, physical, mental, emotional, past and present. Even small details are significant.

    Homeopathy is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Prescriptions are tailor-made to address the specific issues of each individual. This is why the case taking is so detailed.

    The first consultation will last about an hour. Follow-up consultations will be booked as needed.

    All information taken during consultation is kept in the strictest confidence.

  • What Happens after taking the Remedy- more >

    Occasionally people experience a slight worsening of symptoms for a short while, but not always. You will notice changes in your condition, which gives essential feedback on how the symptom picture is changing.

    Changes will progress at different rates depending on the nature of the problems, the length of time they have caused suffering and the general health of the individual. Recovery will also be supported by following advice on diet, activity levels, rest and relaxation.

  • Conventional Medicine- more >

    Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional medical treatment. Allowances for this will be made in the treatment plan.

  • How do you Define Health?- more >

    Physical health is well recognised in western medicine.  The Homeopathic approach recognises four spheres of health, all interconnected, all affecting the overall health of the individual. It is easy to offer sympathy to someone suffering from the effects of grief and bereavement, but are we so quick to tolerate and understand the effects of anger, guilt and fear? All are equally potent, and all can cause a disruption to our health at the very root of our being. During ill-health, the body is not ‘at ease’ it is ‘at disease’.

    My passion for homeopathy comes from the understanding that we need to treat the whole person, to understand their suffering on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Briefly, these are the categories explained a little further.

  • Physical Health- more >

    Maintained by a good balanced diet, sufficient water intake, recreation, relaxation, adequate exercise and reduced stimulants and toxins.

  • Emotional Health- more >

    We need support and companionship from friends, family or partners, opportunity for expression of emotions, recognition of our needs, trust and unconditional love.

  • Mental Health- more >

    We need a pattern of positive thoughts, stimulation for the mind in memory, logic, analysis and imagination. We need to recognise and act on negative patterns of thought.

  • Spiritual Health- more >

    We need a sense of belonging, a sense of fairness and reason, a sense of purpose.

Providing excellence in osteopathic care and alternative treatments for 36 years